How do we treat the ground using Stone Columns?

Like most ground improvement techniques, stone columns are used to reduce settlement and increase load-bearing capacity. They also accelerate soil consolidation as a result of the drainage capacity of the granular materials within the columns which act as pore water pressure evacuation points.

2023-05-10T15:52:34+07:00July 22, 2021|NEWS, Non classé, Project, Stone Columns|

The Application of Prefabricated Vertical Drain for New Coal Yard at Asam – Asam power Plant Indonesia

The use of Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) and Prefabricated Horizontal Draim (PHD) in South Kalimantan,Indonesia to generate ground improvement  by Menard Asia.

2023-05-10T15:46:20+07:00June 2, 2021|Indonesia, NEWS, Non classé, Prefabricated Vertical Drain, Project|

Ground Improvement Works for an Industrial Complex in Serendah – Malaysia

Stone Columns #SC are formed with various methods using different equipment depending on the depth and diameter of the columns and the parameters of the soil to be improved. The popularity of this method resulted in its widespread use.

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Quels sont les chiffres clés de l'année 2019 ? Quelles ont été les grandes réalisations de l'année passée ? Tous ces éléments – et bien d'autres encore – sont consultables dans le Rapport d'activité 2019 de Soletanche Freyssinet. Chacune des sociétés de Soletanche Freyssinet a joué, et joue [...]

2021-02-11T14:59:59+07:00February 11, 2021|Non classé|
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